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Textile Instruments

There are various types of Textile Instruments that are offered by us for being used in the various places that include in textile manufacturing and testing. The offered instruments include the Top Arm Load Gauge Sun Tarp Gauge that is an instrument which is used to measure the load (not pressure) in a top arm of a Ring spinning Frame and Speed Frame. The offered instruments are made for use in the various industries and commercial purposes. These instruments are very accurate and suitable for use in textile industry. The Textile Instruments are very easy to use and install.

Draw Frame Load Gauge

It helps decrease Sliver CV%, Strength CV% and count CV% besides improving appreance. It has become a bench mark for spinners aiming for better Uster values
Price: 15000.00 - 20000.00 INR

Top Arm Load Gauge Sun Tarp Gauge

SUN TARP GAUGE ( TOP ARM LOAD GAUGE ) (Suitable for all makes of drafting systems of Ring Frames & Speed Frames, wool/worsted spinning frames, jute spinning frames like Mackie, Murata Airjet frames)
Price: 15000 INR

Yarn Testing Instruments

  • Supply Ability:10 Per Month
Price: 10000 INR/Unit